This Brilliant German Engineering firearm maintenance kit consists of 4 products endorsed by a number of senior shooters. An All in one easy to use set that hardly requires any hard labour to clean and preserve your firearm.
Use these 3 products which are recommended for Deep Cleaning cycles:
PCS – Pre-Clean and Softening Formula, which is generally used first to Soften up hard lead deposits, carbon and Nitro fouling which build up in the barrel.
Simply apply down the barrel and port, and leave the firearm facing downward (front end of barrel downward) for about 24 hours. Then using brushes and swabs a few times, remove the remaining loose dirt that PCS has loosened up.
CDB – Cleaning & Degreasing Blaster, which is generally used after PCS to remove any greasy grit and grime and oil build up mixed with other chemicals, carbon or plastic deposits. This can also be used to strip off old oil in the trigger mechanism and other areas, even on reloading dies or anything that needs a new coat of lubricant. This also removes build ups which may accumulate in between the rifling of the barrel.
After applying and the liquid runs clear and evaporated from the applied parts, it is important to oil these parts again (generally the next step using the LPO or CLP) as CBD strips off old oil / lubricants.
LPO – Lubrication & Protection Oil, Generally used also after CDB which maintains a good viscosity keeping the firearm Lubed and oiled for prolonged storage periods.
For General Everyday or intermittant cleaning:
CLP – Clean, Lubricate and Protect, which is a good all-in-one solution for lightweight Cleaning and Lubing. This can also be used after using PCS (Pre-Clean and Soften) if CBD (cleaning & Degreasing Blaster) is not used in the cleaning process.
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